about me

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Graduate: Led weekly recitation sections, graded, and commented assignments, and held weekly office hours to assist students with research design and analytical topics. Undergraduate: Led weekly recitation sections, answered questions about course work. Graded student work and provided feedback, including midterm and final assignments.

1. Digital Education Research, graduate
School of Environment, Education and Development, University of Manchester, UK Enrolment: Fall 2021 (25), Spring 2022 (24+21), Fall 2022 (20+18)

2. Creativity, Design, and Entrepreneurship, undergraduate
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK Enrolment: Fall 2019 (18+22), Spring 2020 (24+18), Fall 2020 (17+22)

3. Case Studies in Management and Sustainability, undergraduate
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK Enrolment: Fall 2018 (20+25), Spring 2019 (16+19), Fall 2019 (17)

4. Introduction to Management and Organization Studies, undergraduate
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK Enrolment: Fall 2017 (16+15), Spring 2018 (16+15), Fall 2018 (16+15)

5. Innovation in Product Markets, undergraduate
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK Enrolment: Fall 2016 (20+22), Fall 2017 (22+24)

6. Management, Technology & Innovation, undergraduate
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK Enrolment: Spring 2016 (25+22), Spring (23+24)
